Yarn diet exemption shopping.....
The yarn diet is going well. The Knitter's Breakfast was today, and, as it was scheduled as an exemption from the diet, I had fun. I bought some yummy Malabrigo to make a new scarf. Also picked up a new book and a couple of circular needles. One pair is Addis. It's the first time I have used them and hope I like them. The project I plan to use them with is a mobius I saw on Knitty Gritty a couple of weeks ago. The tank top needs finishing first. I have started the neck edging, so it should be finished by the end of this week, if there are any delays. Also, the next pair of socks are waiting for me. I like taking sock projects in my work bag, since they are so portable.
Pooh is growing fast -- 4 months old now. He's totally housebroken, sleeps and plays with the other dogs constantly, and now weighs 9.6 pounds. I hope he doesn't get too much bigger. Pics will follow soon.