Friday, October 19, 2012

A Light At the End of the WIP Tunnel

If you look closely, you will see a dim light in the distance.  It's that ever elusive light at the end of the tunnel. In this case it's the knitting and spinning WIP tunnel.

I enjoy listening and watching to a weekly podcast called Knitting in Circles.  It's a husband and wife team who both knit.  Recently Aimee decided to have a "Clean the Needles" KAL.  This includes knitting, crochet, spinning, and weaving projects you have already in progress or projects you already have the yarn for and plan to gift to someone or charity knitting.  This is the perfect incentive for me to clear out a few projects.  It runs from October 9th until December 10th.

Here's my list, some with photos:

Neely O'Hara socks:  Done as of Oct. 14th.

Vanilla Toe Up socks: It's now almost ready for the short row heel to be started on sock 2.

Checkerboard Slippers #2: More than half of slipper 1 is done.

Top Down Swing Coat:  Just 1 more repeat of the yoke increases (2 rows) and I start the sleeve increases. This may not be finished in time.  This is the challenge project for me. Pictured, is only a few of the skeins.  There's lots more for this project.

Ditto Sweater: If I finish the coat, I would like to get the last little bit of this sweater done.

Totally Vanilla Sock from my Socktopus book if I can finish all the above knitting.

A Ply-Fest with at least 3 different fibers I've spun already. I decided to finish the spinning part and then set up the jumbo flyer for plying everything one after another.

If I get all of this done and have time, I still have some alpaca to finish spinning as well. I'm not counting the project on my loom since I have no idea how long that will take me.

I think that's more than enough to keep me busy for the next month and a half. :)

I never posted pics of the"My Wish" shawl or the "I Love Fred" socks. I'm really happy with the way both projects came out.  My dyed variegated gray yarn is a nice contrast to the natural white in the shawl. The striping in the afterthought heels of the socks came out nice too, especially since it was my first attempt at this technique.

1 comment:

Donna said...

You are just moving right along! I feel like such a slacker. I have to come up with a game plan this weekend about what to knit next....