Sunday, April 26, 2020

2019 - A Year of Good and Bad

I am finally updating my blog after not writing anything for over a year.

2019 finished with several knitting, crochet, and spinning projects completed  and the addition of cross stitch projects toward the end of the year.  Completed knitting projects were 5 large shawls, 2 cowls, and 1 sweater.  Spinning saw 41 ounces spun.

I was going for physical therapy for my back and it helped with the pain.  Part of it was aqua therapy in a warm salt water pool and the rest on land in the gym.  I have an exercise routine and equipment so I am continuing  at home since March of this year.

February, October and November were extremely heartbreaking with the sudden passing of my cat, Tipper, in February.  He had a brain tumor.  October was the loss of my little dog, Pooh.  Then, Thanksgiving week saw the passing of my kitty, Isabella.  Both had forms of cancer.  We still have the sibling cats, but, there will be no more furry additions to our family. 

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