Saturday, January 27, 2007

My Yarn Diet Continues......

I am still not shopping for new yarn. I decided to work on de-stashing a bit before adding any new stuff. The exception is fiber, because there is not that much of that in the house. Also, I have joined Lime N Violet's knit from your sock yarn knit-a-long. I started late, but have done about a mile, which was my goal. Yarn purchases are allowed during the knit-a-long, which is a good thing.

The yarn diet co-incides with the food diet. Part of the deal is, no yarn can be purchased until I lose 25 more pounds. Then, I am allowing myself to buy yarn for one project only. Every 25 pounds earns me another project. Meantime, I continue with the stash. So far, I'm down 5 pounds and have 20 more to lose for the first reward.

Pooh is growing fast. Already he has learned to fetch and return his toy when I throw it. The barking is down to only when he thinks the other dogs have his toys or he wants them to play with him. Only a couple of piddling accidents, so the housebreaking is almost perfect. He cuddles up and sleeps with the older 2 all the time. Such a sweet picture. Two cats give him "kisses" now as well.

Monday, January 08, 2007

pooh playing with his stuffed toy 003
Originally uploaded by calicokitty6.

He actually growled at it when I played tug o war with him. Then, he proceeded to shake the daylights out of it, and attack it's ears. He's so cute and funny to watch.

pooh playing with his stuffed toy 005

pooh playing with his stuffed toy 005
Originally uploaded by calicokitty6.

pooh playing with his stuffed toy 002

pooh playing with his stuffed toy 002
Originally uploaded by calicokitty6.

pooh playing with his stuffed toy 004

pooh playing with his stuffed toy 004
Originally uploaded by calicokitty6.

pooh puppy 8 weeks old first visit to house 004
Originally uploaded by calicokitty6.

We have a new addition to our household. He came to be introduced to the two older Pekes last Tues, Jan.2, when we took this pic. He came home to stay this past Sat, Jan 6. The old dog has adopted him and treats him like he is her own puppy, instead of her nephew. His grandma and my oldest dog were sisters.

Pooh is a sweetheart, but a bundle of energy, as well as still young and needs a lot of training. He is learning although he does not like his crate at this time. He wants to be with you constantly, because his original human was always holding him or his brother.