Saturday, September 21, 2013

Cooler Weather, Goodbye Megan

Summer is coming to a close with the cooler temperatures and breezes.  The humidity is gone as well so breathing is much easier.  My favorite spot is sitting on the deck with my spinning wheel or knitting in hand.  That's where I'm heading as soon as I finish this post.

July and August were busy knitting and spinning months for me.  I finished Tour de Fleece, and Stash Dash, meeting all my goals.  Scarves, shawls, socks, and hats have all flown from my needles and about 2 pounds of fiber has been spun on my wheels and a spindle.  I'm quite pleased with the results.  

Currently, on my Minstrel, I'm spinning a batt from Copperpot Woolies (no longer selling) fiber in lovely shades of blue with lots of sparkle called "She's a Renegade".  It's from my stash, bought in 2009.   The Sonata is empty right now, but I have a couple of braids waiting to go on it.  Again, it's from the deep stash. 

My current knitting projects are a Crafty class for Artemisia which is a beautiful sweater pattern with very different construction.  It's part of a KAL with the We Are Yarn Podcast group on Ravelry.  I'm also knitting a Saroyan scarf/shawl in Malabrigo yarn I've had in the stash since about 2008.  My Molly scarf is still hanging around waiting to be finished. I'm over half way there but want to finish other projects first.  My other half finished project, Mystic Delight, is calling to me to pick it back up as well.  Sadly these last two projects will wait a bit more.  I have two KAL shawls I need to knit first, Morticia and Bee Leaf Half Pi Shawl.  There's also a couple pairs of socks on needles for "public" or group knitting.

The only sad news is the passing of my old lady kitty, Megan.  She crossed over Rainbow Bridge last week.  It was expected but still hard to do.  She had gone into severe kidney failure at the end.  I had gotten her at 6 weeks old and had her for just shy of 17 years.  My 20 year old cat, Tucker, is still here, but not for much longer.  I think he will be crossing over before the end of the year.  I see him getting more frail every day, but he still climbs his "steps" and sits in the window, eats, drinks, and wants lovings from me, so I'm hanging in there with him.

O.K.  I'm going to close now and go sit on the deck with my knitting and enjoy the lovely afternoon weather.  I'll try to post again soon. 

1 comment:

Kristen said...

Megan was a beautiful kitty. My sympathy to you, Pat, and Tucker. Hang in there,Tucker!