Thursday, April 15, 2021

Multi-Timer, Project Finishes, Vaccine, Spring Has Sprung

I started using a Multi-Timer on my phone.  I saw it on one of the podcasts I watch.  You set it up with 12 hours for each of a few projects and only work on those items until they are finished or the 12 hours are up.  You can reset anther 12 hours for a project to continue working on it.  I did add 7 instead of the suggested 5.  You just can't add more projects until the original ones are done.

 My 'Frozen' Sweater was finally finished at the end of March.  Two spinning projects are also finished.  Right now I have my 'Skaha' sweater, 'Vivid' blanket, and the 3 cross stitch on my timers. One cross stitch project just needs the backstitching finished so I hope to get that done this month.  I re-set the spinning timer so its an on-going project.  Plans are to use it and finish a braid a month.

I went for my first Covid vaccine.  My husband had his in the morning and told me it would be impossible for me to walk the building to get mine, due to my back problems.  I had to try. I took the crutches instead of my cane so I could lean on them if I needed to. I got there, parked, and got out of car with the crutches.  A National Guardsman saw me and got me a wheelchair.  He pushed me through the entire process, and took me back to my car after the observation wait time.  I never could have done it on my own. The only side effects I noticed was a sore arm - no worse than with the flu shot last year.  I go back in a couple of weeks for my second shot.  There are no plans to go to stores or socializing  after the required 2 weeks after shot 2 as of yet.  

Spring weather has made an appearance and I look forward to sit in the back yard under my awning.  

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