Saturday, August 06, 2005

Vacation week!!

Oh how sweet it is to have a whole week off to knit!! I do have other things to do but, this is my uppermost thought regarding the next week. I plan to get at least one of the sleeves done on my sweater.

I also plan to do a summer cleaning of the house and basement. I follow the Flylady method sometimes, but at times I fall off track. So, I plan to get back on track and do each room this week. This will make it easier to stay ahead of the work again.

I am going to a glass supply shop in Massachusetts one day with a friend. Hopefully they will have some different glass for me to try. Of course the knitting will travel in the car with me if I don't have to drive. This will be prime knitting time, since it is at least an hour riding time each way.

The weather yesterday was the worst so far this summer with a temperature of 99 and a heat index of about 105. If Mother Nature cooperates and keeps the heat and humidity away, it will be a fantastic week to accomplish all this and maybe more.

Stay out of the heat, drink lots of water, and enjoy the week.

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