Tuesday, August 24, 2010

A Week of Good & Bad

This has been a mixed week. I'll start with Saturday.
Good: I had my MRI of my back.
Bad: It took two Valium for me to get in the darn machine and I was foggy for the rest of the day. No knitting. Just lots of hanging out.

Sunday was a quiet day.
Good: Part of the foot of Sock 2 was knit.
Bad: I damaged my dental implant.

Monday saw me at the dentist.
Good: The implant is fixed. I had also been having pain for about a week so an X-ray was taken.
Bad: He had to do a minor surgery around the implant base.
Very Bad: I need to have a bone graft to repair some bone loss around the implant base. This is not an option. I must have the surgery. I've had this 2 other times and it's the worst pain I have ever had in my life.

Monday night found me knitting on Sock 2 again. I'm on the last increase of the gusset flap. I'll start the decreases and do the heel flap tomorrow.

Today, Tuesday, was Weight Watchers day.
Good: Stayed the same. There is no bad with this since I have lost 14 pounds since August 3.
Good: I spent a little over an hour spinning on Millie Minstrel tonight. If I have a chance tomorrow, I might finish spinning the last bit I have left. It is "I Wanna Be a Pink Poinsettia" which I dyed a while ago. If all is going well, I might start the other half which is slightly lighter.

I'm really tired so am going to have an early night. See you soon.


Well, I had planned to go to bed about 3 hours ago, but am still awake. Millie and I spent another hour together and I've finished spinning the first half and started the second half. It's much softer in colors compared to the first bobbin. I need to decide if I still want to ply them together or just knit with both of them in a project.

Now, it's almost 3 a.m so I'm really going to bed now. Goodnight.

1 comment:

Donna said...

At least you got in the MRI. Did you get the results yet?

Oh teeth - worst pain ever.