Sunday, March 18, 2012

Can't Say I'm Bored With My Projects

As I mentioned in a previous post recently, I've had the "ooo! shiny!" mentality.  Maybe it's Spring Fever.  I've made progress on most items.  Here's a picture of my Dragonfly Wings Shawl by Boo Knits, and a close up of the beading in it. 

The third picture is of the shawl and my Kandahar sock.  As I was knitting on the sock, I realized the colors in that yarn were very similar to the colors in my shawl yarn.  I can wear them together!

The next picture is of the Cashmere Lace Scarf progress.  According to the pattern, there should be 25 repeats of the 16 row pattern.  Since I tend to knit looser, I think I will end up with 24 repeats instead.  It's a nice pattern and not hard to knit.

The final yarn picture is some Enchanted Knoll Superwash I've had in the stash for a few years.  I plan to take it with me on the retreat and start a pair of Plain Vanilla socks with it. 

Here's a picture of the FatCatKnits "Tapestry" fiber I'm spinning.  The first four ounces is finished and about an ounce of the second four is done. Today found me sitting on the deck spinning on this for about an hour.   I hope to get it finished and plied by next weekend.


Kristen said...

Such pretty projects. I noticed that they are all color coordinated!

Donna said...

You and I have the same love of purple! Everything is just beautiful!

Now and Then said...

Your blog has a shiny new look too.