Wednesday, March 14, 2012


Listening - the hum of the computer and animal snores

Eating - nothing right now

Drinking - French Vanilla Ice coffee

Wearing - Sweatpants, t-shirt, and leopard slippers

Reading - not anything except a couple of knitting patterns

Weather - dark and cool right now. It's 11:45 p.m.

Knitting - cashmere scarf, a pair of socks, a beaded shawl and the darn sweater

Wanting - to finish that darn sweater

Needing - to take my meds and call it an early night

Enjoying - feeling better after having a cold

Looking Forward - sitting on the deck now the nice weather is here

Wondering - which projects to take on the knitting retreat in a couple weeks

1 comment:

Donna said...

The last thing I drank was vanilla iced coffee too. Can't wait to see the darn sweater!