Here's a couple pics of my latest finished projects as they are blocking.
Dragonfly Wings Shawl in my handspun:
Cashmere Scarf in Jojoland Cashmere:
Now I just need to finish my Flamboyan before the end of the month and my second Kandahar sock. I haven't touched that in a month. There's also some plying to get done. I decided to ply a true 3 ply with the two highly colored singles I recently finished and a complementary solid color.
It's been a rough week medically for me. I've been dealing with some issues after the dental surgery including a lot of pain. Today I had a visit with my endo and he upped my insulin again because my bloodwork was a bit high due to the antibotics, pain meds, and dental infection I was fighting lately. He might lower it if I start having too many low glucose readings.
Due to this, I really haven't done as much knitting or spinning as I would have liked.
1 comment:
That shawl is just gorgeous. You did a wonderful job! Hope you are feeling better and are up to knitting a bit more...
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