Thursday, December 15, 2016

Current and Finished Items, Prizes

It's been quite a month here.  Lots of good stuff with a little bad tossed in was the rule. 

My Indigopie sweater was finished.  It was entered into a few groups on Ravelry for KALs, and I won two skeins of yarn.  My November socks took until December to be finished.  Partly due to my back going out and my not being able to use my arm to knit for a few days.  This led to some retail therapy.  :)  And I had done so well with not shopping after Thanksgiving.   The second pair planned for November got pushed back to December.

The sweater isn't blocked in the picture.  The front is suppose to be higher than the back and is meant to be open without buttons.



My knitting guild holiday party was last night.  We always have a Yankee Swap with knitting or crochet related items.  I knit a hat which I think was well received.  The person said she liked it.  I usually just pick a gift, but, this year I "stole" one.  I came home with a gift certificate to Mermaid's Purl yarn shop. :)

Currently, I have two cowls, and two pairs of socks on needles, and two fibers on bobbins for the Hansen.  I got bored with the first fiber so started a second one.  I still can't treadle and use my regular wheels.  Hopefully, I get an "all clear" from the podiatrist next week.  

I still need to get my tree up but it's hard with crutches. The big one won't be used this year.Maybe I can talk Pat into putting the tabletop one up for me.  I can sit and decorate it.  

I'm actually sort of colorful myself right now.  On Saturday, my desk chair caster got caught up on the edge of my area rug .  When I tugged on it, the caster snapped off, and the chair tossed me on the hardwood floor.  Luckily nothing was broken, just lots of bruises on my upper thigh, arm, and foot. Everything is still a little sore but getting better. 

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