Sunday, August 31, 2008

Cloudy Days, Fun Afternoons With Friends, and Spinning

Today was a dreary, cloudy, rainy day. The rains were sporadic though, so it was possible to do some things without getting soaked. The main event for today was Sit and Spin at Sue's shop. Arriving about 11:30, we were met by many familiar faces. Several happy feet were treadling away as the conversation flowed back and forth and around the room. Fiber was fed to the spinning wheels almost as if second nature from our hands. Spindles also were twirling away. There were subtle naturals, shiny black and greys, and some bright colors. Knitting needles were busy as well. Some beautiful lace was progressing on the needles in a vibrant green. Of course, there was shopping done by some, but, I only bought a set of size 0 circs so I can start my Nanner sock. The Knit Picks needles are still lost to the gremlins here. When I looked at the clock it was 5:30. Where did the afternoon escape to???

After taking my friend Jean home, I drove home and went to run a few errands with Pat. The highlight of the evening was a simple supper of ham and beans with some sauteed onions added. Cut up watermelon was served for dessert. He also had some smoked sausage he recently discovered as gluten free. Now, it's time to relax and play with the animals before crawling into bed for a good sleep.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Decisions, Decisions, Decisions......

While at Craft Night yesterday evening, I obtained the opinions of some knitting pals in regards to the bead selection and placement for my Dragon Scale Shawl. The final choice was the emerald green beads and scattered throughout the entire shawl. The other option was an iridescent bead and just beading the two scales on the ends all the way up. These beads seemed to disappear into the yarn color and just didn't work well. The other color, teal, was just the wrong shade. I get to start working on this next Thursday evening when football season officially begins.

My Spinning friend, Sarah, and her friend, Katie, came to Craft Night for the first time. We had an enjoyable evening of knitting and learning a new cast on. It's for the long tail cast on and gives a stretchier and much neater edge.

Another decision is in regards to the Butterfly Sock debacle. Sarah also suggested my first original option I posted about. I'm knitting the butterflies on a size larger needle, and returning to the original size to finish the sock. I still needed to frog sock 1 and rework it anyway. After working the butterflies of sock 2 I'm going to slide the stitches to a waste yarn, with the beginning stitch marked, and try it on. Here's hoping this works, otherwise, it's back to the drawing board and the one butterfly per leg option.

My size 1s and 0s circulars are hiding from me somewhere in my bedroom. I know they are there, just don't see them. The knitting gremlins are at work again. This meant I couldn't start the Nanner Socks as planned.

School opened so many of our regulars were not at Craft Night. I wish them many enjoyable and fulfilling days with the young minds they are helping grow and mentor.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

A Hitchhiker, Finished Ravelympic Projects, a Sad Discovery, and a New KAL

Thursday was a nice day around here. Tiger and I headed to the vet's in the early afternoon, to have his ear checked, with very vocal protests from him. As I was about to turn onto the main road from the end of my street, I looked out my driver's window to see a little tiny yellow jacket bee on the glass. I hoped he would fly off before I got to the highway where I feared he would be squished from the wind. I tried slowing down so he would fly off. Nope, the little guy clung on with all his might. He finally flew off when I exited the highway and had to stop at the end of the exit. I hope he was o.k. Tiger did well at the vet and never saw the bee.

I finished the "test knit socks" for the WIP Wrestling for Team Splurk. They look o.k. I can't post a picture, since they have not been published yet.

Unfortunately, the Butterfly Sock has met a demise. I had finished the first sock a while ago and just never bothered to try it on. Well, sadly, it doesn't fit my big, fat, swollen foot. The plan is to revise the pattern so I can get it to fit me with looser stranding. I'm thinking of doing the stranded part on size 3 needles and the rest of the sock on my size 2's. The other option is to only put one butterfly instead of the four on the leg of the sock. Actually, now I think of it, this may be a better option. Stay tuned for further sock surgery.

I finished spinning the Mandevilla Trellis from DkKnits and it's so pretty. At this time, I'm not sure what it wants to be. After Navajo plying it, I have more than enough for socks, so maybe a nice scarf or lacy shoulder shawl.

I've been busy with my Dragon Cave eggs and hatchlings. There's a group on Ravelry now for them and a KAL/CAL has been started for a shawl. The two patterns are Dragon Scales Shawl for knit or Dragon Shawl for crochet. I chose the knit option, with DkKnits Dream yarn in Violet Vixen. To me, purple is a good dragon color. There's also a group started for people who don't really follow football season. Anyone who knows me knows I'm not a sports enthusiast. The group is 2008 Football KAL and I'm doing the same shawl for that.

Well, I better go get the ball winder and swift out to get the yarn ready. The pattern is printed and waiting for me.......

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

And the Wheels Go Round and Round......

In an old wooden building with lots of antique farm and farmhouse equipment, the spinning wheels were turning round and round, creating beautiful yarns from soft, fluffy fiber. There were natural brown, beige, and white as well as bright solid and multi colored fibers. Some even had a bit of sparkle and shine to them. A few times the fiber was silk. For five days the wheels spun and produced some beautiful yarns, which were displayed on the wall behind the display table. On the table were scarves, shawls, and socks, knitted or crocheted by the demonstrators. Also cakes of fiber processed at the mill to show some of the beauty that can be created with handpainted or handspun yarns and fiber. My Swallowtail Shawl was pinned to the wall too.

WCF Fiber Wall close up of red Kool Aid, Evelyn's Roses Butterfly sock WCF Fiber Wall WCF Swallowtail on display

There was a tri-loom set up and a triangular shawl was worked on during the fair, with the finished item draped across a screen to show the pretty colors and design. There were squares of color in the finished item causing it to have a checkered look. The black fiber with the bits of color matched well with the purple.

On the floor loom, a complete set of place mats was created as well as an extra as a centerpiece. A soft scarf was also woven from a wool and alpaca blend incorporating some very tiny beads into the finished item.

There was a table with fluffy white wool, spindles, handcarders, and some small looms for people to try. It was a very inviting area.

During all of the spinning people came and went in the building, stopping to see what we were doing and asking questions. There was quite a bit of interest and a few even decided to join the Spinners Guild.

Across from our area was a children's play kitchen. I think this was the busiest place in the fair. Children of all ages played constantly in the kitchen "cooking" and "making tea" as well as outside on the washboard "washing clothes".

I had a wonderful time, but, am glad it's finished for this year. Can't wait until next year. I'm already planning what to spin.......

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Swallowtail pictures

The first two are the shawl pinned out to block on foam blocking boards on my bed. swallowtail pinned out 1 swallowtail pinned out 2
These two are me trying to show the beads and full size of the shawl swallowtail shawl blocked and full size swallowtail shawl blocked

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

The Recipe For Debbie
3 parts Intensity
2 parts Craftiness
1 part Panache

Splash of Elegance

Limit yourself to one serving. This cocktail is strong!
My First Ravelympics Item is Finished.

I finished the Swallowtail Shawl, Monday, at 11:58 p.m. I didn't do nupps, using beads instead. Here's the details:
Team: Splurk
Yarn: DkKnits Technicolor Dreams Toes in Molly Ringwald (I had just enough with one skein because of beads. Plan to make matching socks with the other skein.)
Beads: size 6 light pink with silver lining from Fire Mountain Gems
Needle: Knit Picks Harmony circulars size 7
Actual start date: 7/15/08 (had to change date to 8/08/08 for Ravelympic entry)
Finish date: 8/11/08
Picture to follow after blocking.

Now, on to the toe decreases of that "test knit sock", and then the other Butterfly Sock with the Fair Isle.

Spinning will commence on Wednesday at the fair.

Monday, August 11, 2008

It's 3 a.m. and I'm still awake.

I have got to stop staying up like this. In the morning, it will be a fight to crawl out of the bed before 9 or so. Since I retired, I have reverted back to my old 2nd shift routine of staying up until 3 or 4 and sleeping until 10 or so. This is not good. My husband works 2nd shift and is usually asleep and then awake before me lately.

Let's put the blame on the fiber and yarn. First it was Tour de Fleece. Now it's Ravelympics. The knitting needles are flying trying to finish my Swallowtail Shawl in the next day or so. I only have 7 rows to go, but, it's kicking my butt. It took me all day just to finally get 5 rows in correctly today. Both my wheels are looking at me accusingly since I haven't touched either in over a week. The Sonata is going to the Washington County Fair with me this coming week. The Minstrel will have to just sit there stewing a bit longer. I promise to work on the yellow silk as soon as the fair is over. I need to finish that darn silk for the Ravelympic project. It would be nice to ply it to the BFL but that isn't part of the project.

I still need to knit that other fair isle sock this week too. I plan to toss that in the basket heading to the fair with me as well so I can take a spinning break and knit a bit. The test knit sock, as I call the pattern, just needs toe decreases and kitchenering on the toe. That will be done before the fair isle sock.

At least some of the dyeing project is done. I cheated. I used Kool Aid in the pickle jar. Well, technically it's not cheating. I AM dyeing some yarn, just not using the steamer and handpainting it. If I have time next weekend, or one night next week, I might try to get together with a friend and dye some fiber.

After all, I have a whole 15 days left to accomplish all of this fibery goodness.....

Goodnight, and sweet dreams........

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Raising Dragon Eggs.....

I found this on Ravelry and thought it was cute. You click on each other's eggs to "hatch" baby dragons and help them grow up. I now have a few myself. Check them out by clicking on each one and maybe getting one or a few for yourself.

Friday, August 08, 2008

On Your Mark, Get Set, Go! Ravelympics Has Begun!!......Missed Meeting.....

As the Olympic flame was lit today at 8p.m. in China, the official beginning of this fiber event started. Since I'm on the East Coast of the USA, I'm 12 hours behind China and it actually was 8 a.m. here, I still managed to miss the beginning. I was up until almost 6 a.m. and slept until about noon. Of course, after taking my meds, and eating "breakfast" I started to work on my Swallowtail Shawl for the WIP Wrestling event. I am on the lace edging part and after finishing that part, only need to do the scalloped edge. Here's a picture when I was just finished with the bud section:

DkKnits Swallowtail Shawl 2

The plan was to finish it in time to block it Monday and take it with me to the Knitting Guild meeting this Tuesday. Well, unfortunately, I got the date wrong and missed the meeting. It was last Tuesday. I am so disappointed because I was looking forward to seeing everyone and spending the evening with them. Also, it was elections for the guild. I received a phone call to let me know I had been elected Secretary. I have to decline this generous offer at this time because since becoming the Spinning Guild Treasurer, I'm busy with that. Next year will be another, and possibly better opportunity for me to accept an office with the knitting guild.

My Tiger has a sore ear. I'm not sure if he scratched it himself, if something bit him, or if possibly Pooh dragged him by it. We had a 7 day dosage of amoxi left over from the respiratory problem, so he has been on that, along with ear cleansing and antibiotic ointment treatment. It looks better, but if it's not healed by next Friday, I have a vet appointment for him. They said we are doing everything right. As far a pain, he doesn't appear to be bothered by it, and is playing and running around as usual.

The weather is icky so I can't wash another fleece outside right now. Hopefully I can get one done between tomorrow and Tuesday and let it dry in the shed. I think I will take a ride on Tuesday and drop off the Romedale one to the mill.

Well, back to the knitting......

Thursday, August 07, 2008

My Color Is....Blue

I was reading some blogs on Ravelry and found this quiz on CWJerry's. It's not quite what I thought I would end up with for an answer. I do love blue, so it's not too off. Feel free to take the quiz and see what color you are.

you are lightskyblue

Your dominant hues are cyan and blue. You like people and enjoy making friends. You're conservative and like to make sure things make sense before you step into them, especially in relationships. You are curious but respected for your opinions by people who you sometimes wouldn't even suspect.

Your saturation level is lower than average - You don't stress out over things and don't understand people who do. Finishing projects may sometimes be a challenge, but you schedule time as you see fit and the important things all happen in the end, even if not everyone sees your grand master plan.

Your outlook on life is bright. You see good things in situations where others may not be able to, and it frustrates you to see them get down on everything.
the html color quiz