Monday, April 30, 2012

Another "Currents"

Listening: Daughtry CD

Watching:  "fluff" movies (comedy romance)

Eating: waffles a couple hours ago

Drinking: cold coffee

Wearing: white t shirt and purple pants

Reading: re-reading one of my V.C. Andrews books.

Weather: partial sun, partial clouds

Knitting Vittorio scarf

Wanting: dental issues to be resolved

Needing: more hours in a day lol

Enjoying: the quiet of the neighborhood before the kids get home from school

Looking Forward: finishing my current spinning project

Wondering:  if I will go to MA Sheep & Wool this year.

1 comment:

Donna said...

Those implants are a long journey but so worth it at the end. Hang in there!

I'm hoping to get to Mass. S&W too but the weekend is shaping up to be very busy. Don't think it's gonna happen...