Monday, January 31, 2011

A Relaxing Spin In

Saturday found me heading to RI Handspun for the monthly spin in.  There was snow in the forecast, but it was suppose to be only a dusting or so.  Luckily, it held off and I never did see a snowflake falling.  It was a very enjoyable day with spent with some great spinning friends.  I hadn't seen Belinda since the Autumn, so that was especially nice.  We were laughing and talking while knitting and spinning and the day just flew by.  Before you knew it, it was time to pack up and head for home.

I brought the second batt of Copperpot Woolies "Victorian Holiday" to spin as well as a bag with 2 braids of blue/gray Rambouillet fiber in "Moonlight" from Enablerie, formerly known as Flawful Fibers.  This fiber has been in the stash for at least a couple years now. I've been spinning so many combos with pinks and reds, in them I chose to start the blue/gray although I should have held out until March to use it as a Project Stash Buster.  Oh well.  The second braid still might become a monthly bag anyway. It's spinning so fine I might be sick of it at and need a break from it the end of the first four ounces.  lol

The photos are  the Copperpot Woolies fiber I had brought with me and the bobbin of singles from when I was spinning the first four ounces.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Perspectives and Decisions

The last year has been interesting for me in some ways.  Besides all the fiber fun, happy events, and medical issues, I've been working on my perspective of a certain area of my life.  This has led to decisions of what works for me and what doesn't.  There are only so many hours in a day, and I'm not inclined to waste them on stuff I'm not happy being part of any longer.  I can't stay in what is a toxic situation for me. Dealing with false, snarky people is not worth it.  Coming home stressed almost to the point of tears is not worth it.  Removing myself from some people, situations, and a group is part of the decision.  Don't get me wrong. There are some people I won't be spending as much time with who I will truly miss. It only takes a few to destroy a terrific time. 

Now, with that said, I'm still very active and involved in several other groups.  I still plan to spend time with some fiber friends often.  As a matter of fact, this Saturday, January 29th, is the monthly spin in at RI Handspun.  Thursday, February 10th, is the Ocean State Knit and Crochet Guild monthly meeting. Sunday, February 13th, is our monthly Happy Hands Fiber Arts gathering.  OSKCG and HHFA are fabulous groups and I always come home from them with a smile on my face.  I feel blessed to be a part of both groups.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Another Podcast to Listen To, Weather Update

I've been hearing a lot about the Knitmore Girls Podcast, but never really listened to it.  Earlier tonight I decided to check it out and have now added it to my list on the left side of this blog.  It's a mother and daughter team and quite good.

Mr. Frosty's current amount has been updated to a possible foot of snow between Wednesday and Thursday.  I need to have Pat get me some milk, bread, and cheese while he's out tomorrow. I don't usually eat cereal often, but have been wanting some hot oatmeal lately.  I bought a box a couple weeks ago and have been enjoying it.  And grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup have been calling me, too.  Those are both good cold weather foods.

O.K.  folks.  It's time to cuddle with my chair companion, Katy, and knit a while.  LarkRise to Candleford is coming on in 5 minutes.
More White Stuff on the Ground, Pat's Hat, My Furry Knitting Companion

So here we are in the midst of another winter storm.  This one already put two and a half inches in my yard this morning of white, fluffy snow.  This is on top of the eight inches still here from the last big storm.The forecast claims it's suppose to turn to freezing rain then rain tonight.  Then we have another four to eight inches headed our way over the next two days.  Ugh! 

With this kind of weather, I find myself not wanting to go outside.  The ritual for the last few nights has been to snuggle into my recliner with a comforter over me while I knit.  I don't really need the covering, but my cat, Katy, has designated my lap her new favorite spot to curl up on lately.  I had put the comforter over me the first night because my feet and legs were cold.  Now, Katy lets me know it's a requirement to her creature comfort by kneading into my leg until I put the comforter over at least her side of my body.  Once she settles down, I'm planted for at least a couple hours, so I make sure the phone, a drink, t.v. and DVD player remotes are all next to me, there's a movie ready to watch in the player, and a bathroom trip is accomplished beforehand.  Disturbing Miss Catitude is not acceptable.  I've been steadily knitting on my Evenstar shawl. It would be nice to finish it before In Dreams comes out, but, it looks like it will only be on clue 6 by then.  Half of clue 5 is done as of Sunday night.

When I decided to spend time with the wheel last night, Katy was not very happy with me.  She kept coming over to look at me as if to say, "Well, let's get in the chair." Then she would let out a little sniff of disgust when I wouldn't do her bidding.  Oh well.  She survived.  lol  The last of the blue alpaca batt is almost spun.  I plan to ply it in a couple days.  

Pat really liked his simple hat which fits him well.   He told me to make sure it had a little room because he doesn't like anything tight on his head. Since he wanted the ribbing folded up, I knit 7 inches in the body instead of the suggested 5.  Last night, when I had to run out to the drugstore, I stuck this on my head.  It is quite warm and cozy. 

The first of February means I have another set of Project Stash Buster bags to open and start.  In the mean time, it's WIP spinning and knitting around here.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

A Little Note to Mr. Winter, Knitting  & Spinning Progress

Dear Mr. Winter,
Please stop dumping all this icky, cold, slippery, wet stuff on us.  We have had enough to suffice this season.  Thanks.  Me.

That would be my message to this season's weather.  We had snow, rain, and ice yesterday with over 50 accidents in this little state of mine.  Today was suppose to be more rain and then freezing, but, so far nothing is happening outside.  Yay for that.  Friday has another storm coming our way with the prediction of 6 inches to a foot of snow.  I'm glad to say I'll be hunkered down in the house where I'm safe and warm.

My January vanilla socks are finished, so onto other knitting projects.  :) 

During the blizzard, I noticed my husband was wearing a hat which is something he doesn't often do. He has been wearing a thin cheap one he picked up at the store and I don't think it really keeps his head warm or dry. This means I've found something I can actually knit for him and he will use.  Last night found me casting on a simple, plain watch cap with some ribbing on the end.   Half of it was knit last night, so I think I will finish it tonight.  This is a good thing because he can wear it during Friday's storm.

Last weekend was spent washing and setting yarns.  I did 4 colorways, with a total of 7 skeins.  They are:
row 1:Copperpot Woolies "Masquerade" ; Silver Sun Alpacas "Daffodails"
row 2: Cormo/Bamboo (left bobbin) and Whorling Tides "Best Berries" (right bobbin); the two plied skeins of these 2 fibers
row 3: Spunky Eclectic "Macaw"; Fibers4Ewe Mill Mystery Fiber (this one isn't washed yet)

My Minstrel currently has some blue alpaca from a batt I had dyed last year.  The Sonata is....(gasp)...empty.  I've got a couple bags of fiber that had 8 ounces in each.  I've spun 4 ounces of each one, so they will be heading over to fill Esme's empty bobbins soon and clear out another 2 UFOs.

I also spent some time with a Mosaic Maker and came up with this.  It's the Whorling Tides contest fiber from start to finish. 

Friday, January 14, 2011

Another Winter Storm, Learning Reversible Lace, Finishing Projects

Old Man Winter gave us another whuppin' of snow.  The official measurement for Cranston was 11 inches, but I think my front yard has about 8 or so.  Everyone is now trying to clean up and combat the ice that keeps developing as temps drop into the single digits at night.

Last night was the Knitting Guild meeting where we had a lesson from the owner of Manmade By Jonne.  Jonne is a wonderful, patient, knowledgeable teacher.  We learned stitches that are knit in a way that creates a reversible lace scarf.   We all practiced on sport weight yarn for the class, but the scarf is knit in lace weight. I chose a pretty Pink Coral cotton/wool blend to use for my actual scarf.

My January fiber, Spunky Eclectic's "Macaw" is spun and Navajo plied.  The finished yarn is not really calling to me. I think the yellow is to bright for my tastes so I plan to give it a quick over-dye in a weak bath of Slate Blue.  It will calm down the eye searing yellow to a nice green/blue shade.  Millie Minstrel is now empty, but Esme Sonata still has the Fibers4Ewe to be finished.

I'm knitting on sock 2 of the vanilla socks which I hope to have finished by Sunday.  Then I can devote some time to Evenstar.  I'm hoping to see some more progress on that soon.  It's been stagnant for too long.

Monday, January 10, 2011

New England Winter, Knitting & Spinning Progress

Living in New England brings lots of changeable weather.  So far this winter, we have had a blizzard where we got 10 inches of snow, and high, howling, hurricane force winds for several hours.  My reindeer had to be evicted from the front yard before the blizzard hit otherwise I wouldn't have been able to pull the stakes out of the frozen ground.  They are now hanging up in the basement.  After the "abominable snowman" snowstorm, I decided I had enough of the white stuff for the season.  The joy of it wears off with me pretty fast since I'm not a lover of the cold stuff.  A few days later, we had a day in the 60s.  The cold weather also brought me an unwanted surprise present - a nasty cold.  I'm at the end of it now so I'm not contagious, just sniffly.  The current weather cast has another storm heading our way.  I'm ready to hunker down in the house with the animals.  I know Pat will go to work anyway.  There's plenty of tea, coffee, hot chocolate, food, knitting, spinning, and DVDs to watch so I know I'll be great.

Knitwise, I'm almost done with the first vanilla sock in Kroy Socks Jacquard yarn, colorway "Lavender Jacquard".  I like the way the yarn makes it's own pattern. Yesterday was Happy Hands Fiber Arts Group monthly gathering so I brought this to work on instead of carrying a wheel on what could have been slippery pavement.  It was the usual fun-filled afternoon.  I got to meet  a couple of new ladies as well.

Spinwise, my WhorlingTides fiber and the Cormo/Bamboo blend are plied and a-waiting a soak and dry session.  I also started my January fiber, "Macaw" from Spunky Eclectic.  So far, I've spun up about an ounce of the 4 so I hope to finish a good portion of the singles tonight.

I'm heading back to the wheel now, and staying inside where it's warm.  :)

Monday, January 03, 2011

Happy New Year!!  Van Dyke Socks Finished, Spinning Plans

I hope everyone had a wonderful New Year's Eve.  We had a quiet evening at home.  It's ironic that it's always the one night of the year I have trouble staying awake until midnight.  I thought I was going to call it quits at 10, but, I got another wind and stayed up until a little after 1 a.m.

I'm not making any resolutions.  I will endeavor to work on my health issues, and try using yarns and fibers from the stashes to shrink them a bit.  Other than that, nothing else comes to mind.  Do you have any resolutions/intentions for 2011?

I did finish the Van Dyke socks today.  I know these were my December socks for the Solid Socks group on Ravelry, but there was no way I could finish them in time.  If I hadn't had to rip back sock 1 to before the gusset to fix the over-long foot, I probably would have made the December 31 deadline.  Oh well.  I still have a pretty pair of red socks to keep my feet warm.  :) 

My knitting is now the Evenstar, and a pair of plain "vanilla" socks to use as travel/group knitting.  I'm in the Year of Stash Socks group and these are for that.  I still need to finish the Spruce scarf that is up to the tree part on the first side.

Spinning finds me plying up 2 half bobbins of an old WIP.  It's from Silver Sun Alpacas. I had spun the rest and then misplaced the first half bobbin.  When I had placed an order, they had sent me a little sample which is the second half bobbin.  I'll take time to ply them tonight.  Here's a couple pictures of a couple of original full bobbins and fiber.


Then, I need to spin 4 ounces of Cormo/Bamboo to be plied with my Whorling Tides contest fiber.  That needs to be done for January 10.  After that, I will be working on my 4 ounce selection for Project Stash Buster. I chose some South African Fine from Spunky Eclectic in "Macaw" that's been hanging around in my stash for a couple years.  It's nice and bright.