Wednesday, January 19, 2011

A Little Note to Mr. Winter, Knitting  & Spinning Progress

Dear Mr. Winter,
Please stop dumping all this icky, cold, slippery, wet stuff on us.  We have had enough to suffice this season.  Thanks.  Me.

That would be my message to this season's weather.  We had snow, rain, and ice yesterday with over 50 accidents in this little state of mine.  Today was suppose to be more rain and then freezing, but, so far nothing is happening outside.  Yay for that.  Friday has another storm coming our way with the prediction of 6 inches to a foot of snow.  I'm glad to say I'll be hunkered down in the house where I'm safe and warm.

My January vanilla socks are finished, so onto other knitting projects.  :) 

During the blizzard, I noticed my husband was wearing a hat which is something he doesn't often do. He has been wearing a thin cheap one he picked up at the store and I don't think it really keeps his head warm or dry. This means I've found something I can actually knit for him and he will use.  Last night found me casting on a simple, plain watch cap with some ribbing on the end.   Half of it was knit last night, so I think I will finish it tonight.  This is a good thing because he can wear it during Friday's storm.

Last weekend was spent washing and setting yarns.  I did 4 colorways, with a total of 7 skeins.  They are:
row 1:Copperpot Woolies "Masquerade" ; Silver Sun Alpacas "Daffodails"
row 2: Cormo/Bamboo (left bobbin) and Whorling Tides "Best Berries" (right bobbin); the two plied skeins of these 2 fibers
row 3: Spunky Eclectic "Macaw"; Fibers4Ewe Mill Mystery Fiber (this one isn't washed yet)

My Minstrel currently has some blue alpaca from a batt I had dyed last year.  The Sonata is....(gasp)...empty.  I've got a couple bags of fiber that had 8 ounces in each.  I've spun 4 ounces of each one, so they will be heading over to fill Esme's empty bobbins soon and clear out another 2 UFOs.

I also spent some time with a Mosaic Maker and came up with this.  It's the Whorling Tides contest fiber from start to finish. 


Sherill said...

I'm with you on the "enough Winter, already" issue. We've had so much snow that the plow which does our condo driveway had completely covered one of our parking spaces, and unfortunately it's hubby's turn this month to have the garage. So I'm parking in a borrowed space and walking on icy pavement to reach it. NO FUN!

Donna said...

Haven't you been a busy little girl! Real nice colors - especially the purple.

Brace yourself - another foot of snow tomorrow night. And oh yeah, did I mention? It's snowing again today. Good times....

Fiber Festival season is 3 months away :-)